Mike Montgomery

Associate, TMIP Leader for Education Curriculum & University Partnerships

Michael Montgomery is the lead principal of Montgomery Consulting and has served as lead philanthropic investments Counsel to Christine Gavin & Company for more than 20 years. As a husband and father of two daughters and a new granddaughter, Mike brings intimate and professional knowledge of the unique fundraising needs of nonprofit organizations working within benevolent gynocentric missions.

Mike is part of the foundational social innovation creation team of the This Mission is Possible Foundation and brings strategic planning and thought leadership.

Mike brings a parallel career in fundraising and economic development. As a fundraising consultant, he has advised on more than $1B in fundraising and project activity, including some of this region’s most challenging efforts. Earlier in his career, he headed private sector fundraising for Focus: HOPE, was on staff at Wayne State University, and was a program consultant for the Hudson-Webber Foundation. He is an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Health and Human Service at the University of Michigan-Dearborn and previously taught nonprofit management courses to MBA students at Lawrence Tech and MPA students at Oakland University.

He was a U.S. Department of State Foreign Service Officer at the start of his career. In 2002, Mike won the Michigan Economic Developers Association’s Mike Conboy Award for his contributions to economic development education and is a three-time winner of MEDA’s President’s Award. He is a former member of MEDA’s Board of Directors and the Board of Governors of the Cranbrook Schools. In the fall of 2009, Crain’s Detroit Business selected him as a leading local adjunct professor for bringing real-world challenges and experience to his classroom. He holds an M.A. from the University of
Michigan and an A.B. from Columbia University.